(Advanced Engine Management) is
a company based on one simple philosophy....If it doesn't create horsepower,
AEM won't make it. As the import performance market gained popularity, AEM added
to this philosophy: "If it doesn't out perform our competition, we won't
make it."
Horsepower is how AEM's reputation was built. Long before it was the popular
thing to do, AEM was discovering ways to maximize the performance of Honda,
Toyota and Mitsubishi cars. Through this history of experience AEM has come
to the firm belief to let AEM products do the talking.
AEM research and development is staffed with accredited engineering professionals.
This insures that every AEM product is developed and correctly engineered for
each specific application.
All AEM products are put to demanding tests in their own dyno facility as
well as on the track and in real-world conditions. Never shy from challenge,
every major compact car publication has put AEM products to their own reviews.
Each magazine has reached the same results: AEM products improve performance,
increase power and help better realize the full potential of compact car engines
and brag, just fact.
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