This "GReddy" line of direct replacement bolt-on turbos are designed for maximum drivability, allowing an increase in performance at recommended boost pressure throughout the power band. Exact horsepower increases will vary based on engine size and turbo size.
The function of an intercooler is to smoothly lower the air temperature entering the combustion chamber without losing boost pressure. The cooler temperature will increase horsepower and allow for higher turbo bost pressure if managed properly. "GReddy" intercoolers have a larger capacity and are more efficient than the factory units. Trust also offers a variety of 26 intercooler cores and 50 kinds of end takes for special applications.
The "AIRINX" air filter systems flow higher amounts of air for increased horsepower. The bell shaped air inlet (velocity stack) is designed to create air turbolence and increase air velocity. The specially treated foam material used in the "AIRINX" filters is sandwiched between two open designed metal grids. This type of construction allows for air intake from the full surface of the filter.
GReddy has taken all features of Fuzzy Logic and packaged them in a neat, compact unit, the PRofec. The PRofec is outfitted with a high speed processor, a warning alarm, LED display and an overtake boost system as developed for the turbocharged Formula 1 cars a few years ago. Overtake boost will let you run a specified lower boost pressure for etter economy, and to a maximum level for a predetermined short period of passing, then return to the lower boost level automatically. this will improve fuel economy and give longer engine/turbo life without sacrificing performance whenyou need it. The PRofec has a communication link that will allow it to interface with other GReddy electronic devices in the future.
The GReddy Blow-Off Valve (Compressor bypass) is the answer to protection against compressor surging. Excess intake pressure is relieved during sudden deceleration to eliminate turbo lag, and extend turbine's life. The GReddy Blow-Off Valve Kits are designed to directly replace the factory compressor bypass valves. The simple bolt-on installation makes it ideal for both installation and adjustability.
The "GReddy" turbo timer is designed to allow turbocharged cars idling down time before the car is shut off. Simply set the desired time, engage the parking brake, lock the car and the turbo timer does the rest. This cool down time has been proven to extend the life of the turbo.