
Centerforce clutch systems are designed with the diverse needs of the customer, or end user in mind. Because of this diverse needs, Centerforce offers a multi-level line to meet the requirements of a wide range of vehicles and their intended uses. To obtain the proper system, it is extremely important to completely qualify, and "define" it's intended use. A stock vehicle used for daily driving has entirely different requirements than a "high performance" vehicle driven at the extreme of its capabilities, and sometimes beyond.

Centerforce I offers 30% more holding capacity than the stock OEM clutch while maintaining a stock pedal feel. This is recommended as the finest quality upgrade from the original equipment clutch.

Centerforce II provides 60% greater holding capacity over the standard factory clutch. it is recommended for use with mildly modified vehicles used for street and strip. This unit has also proven itself to be very capable for four wheel drive and off-road use, also heavy duty towing and comercial application.

Centerforce Dual Friction generates up to 90% increase in hodling capacity over stock clutch. This clutch/disc set is designed for the use of engines producing high horsepower torque output, and any radically altered high performance street vehicles. This system is also ideal for use with four wheel drive vehicles.

SUPRA TT 93-95 - - DF510150 - 31210-JA800 31250-JA800 31250-JA810
- 93-95 - - - - 31210-JA810 31250-SW251 31250-STB62
TURBO 86-92 CF100500 - DF500100 419 31210-JA700 - 31250-JA700
7MGE 86-92 CF018522 CFT522018 DF522018 201 - - -
5ME-GE 81-85 CF018522 CFT522018 DF522018 201 - - -
5ME 80-81 CF010517 CFT517010 DF517010 201 - - -
4ME 79-80 CF010517 CFT517010 DF517010 201 - - -
CELICA 93-95 CF035542 - DF542035 840 - - -
ST (4AFE) 91-93 CF035542 - DF542035 840 - - -
ST (4AFE) 89-91 CF035542 - DF542035 371 - - -
TURBO (3SGTE) 89-93 - - DF905018 446 - - -
TURBO (3SGTE) 87-89 - - DF900018 442 - - -
GT/GTS (5SFE) 90-95 - - DF517031 442 - - -
GT/GTS (5SFE) 89-90 - - DF517031 354 - - -
ST/GT (3SGE) 85-89 CF031534 - DF534031 354 - - -
ST/GT (3SFE) 85-89 - DF534031 391 - - -
22R 80-85 CF010517 CFT517010 DF517010 201 - - -
20R 77-80 CF010517 CFT517010 DF517010 201 - - -
20R 74-77 CF010517 CFT517010 DF517010 5 - - -
18RC 71-74 CF010517 CFT517010 DF517010 5 - - -
8RC 70-71 CF430515 CFT515430 DF517010 5 - - -
STARLET 80-82 CF139508 - - 202 31210-KE302 31250-KE004 31250-KP662
COROLLA 92-95 CF035542 - DF542035 840 - - -
4AFE 91-92 CF020553 - DF553020 442 - - -
4AFE 87-91 CF020553 - DF553020 371 - - -
4AGE 89-91 CF035912 - - 371 - - -
4AGE 84-89 CF025523 - DF523025 371 31210-AE852 31250-AE852 31250-TA462
DX,SR5 (4AC) 83-85 CF020528 - DF528020 201 - - -
DL,LE (1C DSL.) 83-85 CF033535 - - 354 - - -
DL,LE (4AC) 85-87 CF020523 - DF523020 371 - - -
DL,LE (4AC) 83-85 CF020528 - DF528020 371 - - -
SR-5 (4AC) 85-87 CF008523 - DF523008 201 - - -
(4AC) 82-83 CF009525 - - 201 - - -
TE71 (2T-GE) 79-83 - - - - 31210-TA053 31250-TE005 31250-TE762
(3TC, 4 SPD) 80-82 CF009501 CFT501009 DF501009 201 - - -
(3TC, 5 SPD) 79-82 CF008515 CFT51500 DF515008 201 - - -
(2TC) 77-79 CF008515 CFT51500 DF515008 201 - - -
(2TC) 70-77 CF008515 CFT51500 DF515008 10 - - -
(3KC) 78-79 CF139508 - - 202 - - -
(3KC) 74-78 CF139508 - - 37 - - -
(3KC) 70-74 CF139502 - - 3 - - -
(3KC) 69-70 CF138502 - - 3 - - -
(KC) 68-69 CF138502 - - 3 - - -
MR-2 (5S-FE) 90-93 CF084907 - DF907084 442 - - -
5S-FE 90-95 CF084907 - DF907084 354 31200-004 - -
3S-GTE Turbo 90-95 CF018905 - DF905018 442 31200-003 - -
Supercharged 87-89 CF085548 - DF548085 442 31200-007 - -
4AGELC GT 85-90 CF035542 - DF542035 371 31200-006 - -
4AGELC 84-85 CF020523 - DF523020 371 31200-005 - -
PASEO 91-93 CF020553 - - 371 - - -
CRESSIDA 84-87 CF018522 CFT52201 DF522018 201 - - -
CAMRY (V6) 92-94 - - - 442 - - -
2VZ-F (V6) 88-91 CF018900 - - 442 - - -
5SFE 92-95 - - DF517031 442 - - -
2S,3SFE 90-91 CF031534 - DF534031 442 - - -
3SFE (4WD) 88-91 CF018900 - - 442 - - -
2S,3SFE 83-90 CF031534 - DF534031 354 - - -
1C Turbo Diesel 83-86 CF037534 - - 351 - - -
TERCEL - - - - - - - -
3E-E (5 spd) 91-93 CF432551 - DF551432 371 - - -
3E-E (4 spd) 91-93 CF020553 - DF553020 371 - - -
3E (non-EZ) 86-90 CF432551 - DF551432 371 - - -
3E (EZ) 86-90 CF035525 - DF525035 371 - - -
4WD 82-88 CF002530 - - 201 - - -
82-86 CF002520 - - 201 - - -
1AC,3AC 79-86 CF002520 - - 201 - - -

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