Ordering Information
To place an order, simply know the part you wish to order (either the exact part name, including vehicle make, year, and model, or else browse our catalog and record the specific part #). Then, simply print out this form below (you may do so by clicking PRINT from your browser), and fax or mail the completed form to us with the appropriate information. It is very important to be sure to include a return fax number and/or return mailing address! Toysport can be reached via the following:
Date: ___________________________
I, ____________________________, authorized TEAM TOYSPORT
AMERICA to debit my credit card.
Credit Card #: _________________________________
Expiration Date: _________________________________
Type of Card: _________________________________
Issuing Bank: _________________________________
Customer Service Phone #: ___________________________
(at back of the card)
Name: _________________________________
Billing Address: _________________________________
Telephone #: _________________________________
Shipping Address: _________________________________
Telephone #: _________________________________
for the amount of _________________________________
for the purchase of _________________________________
Please take this as a good charge and I agree to be
totally responsible and liable for this transaction.
Signature: _________________________________
Date Signed: _______________________________
1547 W. El Segundo Blvd.
Gardena, California 90249
Tel: (213) 755-1177
Fax: (213) 755-1176
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